Tennis Coaching
At Grafton, our Qualified and Accredited coaches deliver a range of both private lessons and group sessions for both Juniors and Adults and also available to non members. Coaching is not only great for developing your technique and tactics but also a great way to meet new players of a similar level. The coaching programme caters for a huge range of people – from juniors to complete adult beginners and from social players to people playing in high level competitions.
Junior Tennis Coaching-Junior Tennis | GraftonTennisCentre
Adult Tennis Coaching-Adult Tennis | GraftonTennisCentre
Individual Lessons- Private Lessons/Meet the Team | GraftonTennisCentre
Holiday Camps- Holiday Camps | GraftonTennisCentre
Racket Stringing- Racket Stringing | GraftonTennisCentre
If you have any coaching enquiries please contact our head coach Alex Kaminski on 07783530409 or
To book and get to know the coaching programme at Grafton please visit: